This past Summer was so bittersweet for us… it was the last Summer before our son embarked on a great big adventure called Kindergarten! Before Kindergarten we decided to sign him up for “summer camp” where he went one week on, one week off getting to know his new school and exploring things all on his own. So during this past Summer I decided to do a quick, casual and fun shoot with my little guy during my favorite time of day, golden hour, to kind of symbolize this new chapter (aka the adventure) for us all! At his school wearing rain boots is the totally normal (and totally cute) part of daily attire for the kids, and so as you’ll see below I let him rock them as he normally would plus added some suspenders to his outfit just for the fun of it… I think these are definitely some of my favorite images of him, totally the whole “boys will be boys” mentality — complete with the nose picking! Lol!! And by now his first pair of rain boots have been pretty well loved, so it’s time for some new ones and for me to get these images up 🙂 I constantly find myself shooting, editing, but not posting… always afraid to annoy my friends and family with sharing too much and/or frankly just not having enough time or feeling like it’s the “right time” to post… I often wonder does anyone else ever feel that way? Regardless, now is the time. my time. his time. our time together. So here are some images of my sweet boy, just the way I want to remember him… being himself and having fun outdoors with mommy… and her camera 😉